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Newsletter January 2024 Issue

Preventative Care

Many people like to focus on goals to improve their health at the start of a New Year. One of the best ways to reach these goals is to schedule your preventative care checks. Many of these checks, such as screening for cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose, can be done at the time of your annual wellness visit. During your visit, check with your healthcare provider about other preventative visits you may need, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram. Remember to schedule a dentist and vision screening too!

Wishing You the Best Health and Wellness!
Green Circle Life Newsletter Team

From the Desk of Green Circle Life Health Partners

Below are some tips to help you make (and keep!) your New Year's resolutions:

A client uses the app and Lifestyle Coaching to improve her weight loss and stay accountable. She has lost 83 lbs. in the last 18 months. At the beginning of her journey, she was unable to jog short distances. Now she has run three 5Ks. She tracks all her health data in the app and speaks with her Health Partner every two weeks to talk about challenges she is having and ways to solve them so that she can reach her weight loss goals and stay on top of her health.


Learn About the SmartFHR™ App: Wellness Assessment

Looking to improve your health this year but don't know where to start? Try taking the Wellness Assessment! After taking the assessment you will immediately be given information and ideas on ways to improve your health. Taking the Wellness Assessment each year is a great way to see how your health is progressing. Take yours today! When used alongside FREE Lifestyle Coaching, we have found that you are much more likely to achieve the desired results!


Healthy Recipe: Quick Chili


Are You Up to Date on Your Preventive Care?

Click below to learn more about preventive care such as cancer screenings, vaccinations, and check-ups.


Healthy Resolutions

Learn more about making those New Years Resolutions stick:


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This content is copyright protected. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.